HUBBUB: Crestview has other priorities; are we growing?

CRESTVIEW — Numerous and Facebook readers shared their thoughts on recent news reports. Here are some of their comments.


If you read (Crestview Councilman Joe) Blocker's recent re-election answers to three questions, it should be clear change isn't on the agenda.

While one question specifically asked Blocker what he would do to relieve Crestucky's traffic issues, he not only failed to even hit a foul ball trying to answer it while he cited his experience in building commercially and his seat on a board that supposedly studies the subject of the very question he avoids answering.

Meanwhile, high school kids in Crestucky are still forced to attend a school designed for maybe 1,000 students while upwards of 2,000 students attend daily. This has been an issue since 1990 and before, which oddly resembles the exact same traffic issue. The bell rings at school and the hallways are barely passable due to shoulder-to-shoulder contact with other students due to lack of hallway space throughout.

Same issue with evening traffic; thousands of vehicles forced onto one two-lane north passage.

I've heard there will never be another north county high school because of the dropout rate; regardless, the evidence clearly shows, time after time, year after year, nothing gets even remotely done.

But guess what? You can spot mold in the courthouse and (in) less then two years it's being replaced with money they found somewhere, despite the lack of parking for said courthouse.

Millions were found immediately, and no additional parking planned; amusing that the people that run the show, city and county-wise, are inept at doing their jobs.

Doesn't matter which decade or which lineup of elected personnel; all failed to serve we the people of the North County properly.

Robert Damon Bradley


A transition from a rural community to an urban one is always difficult. It's doubly so if it's in or near a tourist area.

People who've lived in the community for years, or even decades, want things to stay the way that makes them comfortable. New people want the things that they've had in other areas.

But at the end of the day, any community needs to decide if it wants to grow or stagnate.

If it wants growth, then it has to do the things that will encourage the sort of growth needed. Crestview needs industry. It needs manufacturing. It needs the sort of growth that provides high-paying jobs; jobs that will allow Crestview residents to stay in Crestview without the crushing commutes so many have.

To attract the kind of industry needed, then zoning, schools, health and community standards must be enacted and enforced.

It matters not the form of government. What matters is if the government does the job it needs to do.

Morris Devereaux

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Crestview has other priorities; are we growing?