Joy Fellowship sets flamingo fundraiser

Joy Fellowship Senior High Youth Group's "Flamingo Flocking" fundraiser runs through June 1. [Special to the News Bulletin]

CRESTVIEW — The Joy Fellowship Ministries Senior High Youth Group will have a "Flamingo Flocking" fundraiser through June 1 to raise money for its summer trip to North Carolina.

Suggested donations are as follows:

•Small flock of 10 large flamingos, $10

•Medium flock of 20, $20

•Large flock of 30, $30

•Super-size flock of 30 large and 18 small flamingos, $40

"Have you ever seen some beautiful flamingos around Crestview and wondered how you could get them to migrate to a friend's yard?” Joe Butryn, Joy Fellowship pastor, said. “Well, here is your opportunity …

“How many flamingos do you want to migrate to your friend’s yard? Once you decide who your 'victim' will be, just let me know."

Potential donors may email their phone number to Butryn,, who will send the paperwork to start the "flocking."

"I and some of the most highly trained 'flamingo flockers' will make sure that the flamingos appear in the yard of your choice," Butryn said.

“The flock will appear the night before the date donors want to flock their 'victims,' so they will wake up to a beautiful pink yard of flamingos on the date you requested,” the event media release states. “The flamingos will be removed between 5 (and) 8 p.m. so they can get some rest and get energized for their next ‘Flamingo Flocking,’”

If there is a conflict with the requested date, Butryn will call to reschedule.

"Flockings can only take place on private property (in Crestview). We cannot flock a business or an apartment building," Butryn said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Joy Fellowship sets flamingo fundraiser