Learn all about bees

Heather Nitzel is the Crestview Public Library's youth services librarian.

What’s the buzz all about? Come learn about how the honeybee lives, and the respectful ways of keeping them, 6:30 p.m. March 21 at the Crestview Public Library.

All over America, city beekeepers are keeping a few honeybee hives in their backyards. Learn what is involved: how, when, where and what you will need to establish a hive.

If you’re thinking about starting a beehive or are just curious about what’s involved with keeping bees, then this is a great introductory presentation for you. This short presentation is designed for absolute beginners so no prior knowledge is required. There will be no hands-on beekeeping, so protective clothing and bravery will not be necessary.

Attendees will be able to taste a variety of local honeys and buy some, if they like.

The Family Library Time event lasts about 45 minutes and is designed for adults and children 4 years old and up. Registration is not required for this free event.

Heather Nitzel is the Crestview Public Library's youth services librarian.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Learn all about bees