Knitting for newborns

Rae Schwartz and her knitting and crocheting group meet at 5 p.m. each Wednesday at Casbah Coffee. MARK JUDSON | News Bulletin

CRESTVIEW—Raising awareness for a heart-healthy lifestyle can start at a young age. North Okaloosa County Medical Center is beginning that learning process the day a child is born through a program called “Little Hats, Big Hearts.”

Hospitals across the country joined the American Heart Association for an annual event that symbolically sends awareness to parents about congenital heart defects and the importance of healthy living. The message is sent through a red, knitted cap made by volunteers and given to newborns at birth.

The medical center began planning its participation last year after discussing awareness events with a local AHA representative, according to the director of Marketing and Community Relations for the center, Alicia Booker.

A local knitting group made about 80 caps for donation and has agreed to help the medical center host the event next year, Booker said.

The group is led by Rae Schwartz and meets each Wednesday evening at Casbah Coffee in downtown Crestview. Schwartz was asked during a Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce event if she would be interested in participating — she agreed.

Schwartz has been knitting and crocheting for over 50 years and while she welcomes challenges, she couldn’t say no to this simple but meaningful project.

“We’ve all been touched in some way by heart disease and we’ve all cared for children as parents or grandparents,” Schwartz said.

About a half dozen volunteers made the red hats, which can be stretched to allow for more long term usage. Each hat took about three to five hours to complete, Schwartz said. Patterns for the hats were found using an online forum dedicated to the craft, according to Schwartz.

The event began in February 2014, in Chicago and has since spread to over 40 states, according to the AHA website. This is the first year an area hospital has participated.

“We want to help spread the word and get other hospitals on board with this wonderful cause,” Booker said.

Hospital staff will deliver the hats throughout the month, according to Booker. Leftover hats will be properly stored and recycled for next year, Schwartz said.

Knitters and quilters don’t have to work at a hospital or medical center to participate. Individuals can craft hats and send them to local representatives. Yarn donations can also be made by those with less crafting skills.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Knitting for newborns