What it takes to 'Make America Great Again'

Like it not, Donald Trump is your president. Even if you claim he is not your president, he is. If you continue your citizenship in America, he is your president.

I heard and read reports of people who said they would leave the United States if Trump were elected president. How many have left or when are they leaving? Don't let the door hit you on the behind when you leave.

Actually, that's not the attitude to have. The correct attitude is, "Come on, people now; love one another," or something like that. I'm all for us loving and hugging each other but it doesn't seem to be on the horizon for our country.

I voted for Barack Obama the first time but I voted for Trump this time. One of the reasons I voted for Obama was because of health care and stem cell research. We must have stem cell research to find cures for numerous diseases. I was impacted greatly by health care with a very sick spouse for 12 years. I know the pain of a medical insurance crisis.

I also voted against Obama because he and Congress messed up health care so badly. I voted for Trump not necessarily because I am now a registered Republican but because we desperately need a new direction in this country. We have few jobs, a failing economy, failing infrastructure, growing poverty, tremendous despair and a nation run over by illegal immigrants. We also have a health care crisis.  Of all the candidates, I saw Trump as being in the best position to do some things to change our spiraling direction as a nation.

Congress members who pledged to not attend Trump's Inauguration were free to stay home. However, I hope that when their districts vote again they will let them stay home permanently.

How will they feel if Trump and a Republican-led Congress decide not to give additional money to their districts and refuse to work with them on any bills they might offer to Congress? I don't think that's the American way but sadly it has become the American way.

I'm not into an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth mentality. Slapping each other back and forth accomplishes nothing but uglier rancor.

What we all need to see are Democrats, Republicans and Independents crossing the aisle, shaking hands and working together to bring jobs back to America. Together they must work to save our infrastructure crisis.

Bring safe and clean water to America's communities. Infuse hope into our struggling military and elevate our beaten down veterans. Equal opportunities and equal rights for all can only happen if the people in Washington treat each other with equal respect. This means doing unto others the way they want to be treated.

Many people today are ready to join a movement. One movement we desperately need involves all people from all parties, all states, all colors, all nationalities reaching out to each other with a passion to work hard. These people have strong individual ideas but are determined to work together to solve our problems and make this country great again!

These people have strong individual ideas but are determined to work together to solve our problems and make this country great again!

Glenn Mollette is an American syndicated columnist and author.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: What it takes to 'Make America Great Again'