Speegle, Blake complete basic training

US Air Force Airman 1st Class Chris Speegle and his dad, Michael Speegle of Crestview, are pictured July 1, 2016 in San Antonio,Texas. Michael Speegle is a retired command chief master sergeant. Special to the News Bulletin

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Two U.S. Air Force airmen graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.

They are:

•Airman 1st Class Christopher M. Speegle, the son of Michael and Michelle Speegle of Crestview. He graduated in 2007 from Crestview High School and earned a bachelor's degree in 2015 from Auburn University.

•Airman Alexander B. Blake, the son of Elliott and Michelle Blake of Crestview, and a 2015 graduate of Crestview High School.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Speegle, Blake complete basic training