REV. MARK BROADHEAD: This Christmas, remember the most important gift

Mark Broadhead (FILE PHOTO | News Bulletin)

Can you feel the anticipation building? There is just one more week until Christmas.

Young children look forward to the visit from Santa Claus with his sleigh full of toys. Teenagers look forward to getting a little more sleep. Parents look forward to all the preparations being completed.

Some questions people are pondering include: How late will the children let me sleep? Will anyone we are not expecting stop by? What will be under the Christmas tree — besides a pile of dried pine needles? Will I receive that long-wished-for gift?

These are some typical questions and anticipations as Christmas draws near. Here are my answers to a couple of them.

“Will anyone we are not expecting stop by?” I hope so. I hope you will let in the Christ child as he knocks on the door of your heart. He is, after all, the reason we have Christmas in the first place.

Others might say Christmas is a secular holiday, but that is simply an excuse to not take to heart the real reason it is celebrated.

God chose to come to this Earth himself as one of us, to live among us, and demonstrate it is possible to live a good and righteous life. This, among other important aspects, is what we truly celebrate.

“Will I receive that long-wished-for gift?” That is up to you. Do you recognize it? It has your name on it. It is the forgiveness of past wrongdoings. It is the gift of a real life, an authentic life, offered through the Christ child that is there for the receiving.

The ultimate Christmas gift was made available centuries ago when our Lord was born. This gift is still alive today.

As you look at the various presents under your Christmas tree, remember the most important gift is waiting for you to unwrap it and enjoy it for all eternity — the gift of the Christ child.

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is pastor at Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: REV. MARK BROADHEAD: This Christmas, remember the most important gift