Northwood Elementary
Megan Mundle’s second-grade class
Dear Santa,
how Do you fit in a chimny. I am going to cash you. I wont 1. Phone 2. puppy 3. spydrone 4. airhogs 5. your say 6. Huge Pokemon cards 7. date diary.
tryston H.
Dear Santa,
How do you see with all the light off. I have been very good this year. This year for chrismis I want Pokeymon sun and moon. I want star wars legos. I want the new lava lego sets and lego city sets. I also want a giant sark for chroms this year.
P.S. I also want some nerf guns I want the nerf rival, enforcer blater, hyper fire elite, modulus tristrike blaster, air storm firetek crossbow.
Matthew B.
Dear Santa,
I am going to giv you cookies I will giv miss. Santa cloos a now gres I wunt for cresmes is a raindrree soot, and a huvrcarf, toy mnooen spasthip, and a soff ran oir. I love you santa
Rico D.
P.S. tele your rain dirree I love time
Dear Santa,
I am not Ready for Christmas. But I Do have my tree. We are getting retyy for Christmas. It is so fun.
Love, Khloe L.
Dear Santa,
I whent to ask you question how de you get with miss cos. Santa can you tack my and toys . Can you pet me a soon Keedy.
Love, Ava K.
Dear Santa,
Dose Oliver realy go to the north Pole I will give you to dollars. I would lik to have the Suicedside sguad D.V.D.
Seth M.
Dear Santa,
How do you not get Dirty When go down a chimney. I want every single nerf gun. But all I want is 2.0000 Dollars. And spy goggles and a walky talky.
Thanks. love Austin. C.
Dear Santa,
Are you tiurid? in goob. A tan shatycses.
Love Raylyn G.
Dear Santa,
How Do your reindeers fly I bene a nise I want for chrismen skats and a i-Phone 65 two thousand dolls and make up some boots my secret page Jonol candy
Love Zamaurie B.
Dear Santa,
I wath prents a tablet. I bein good for cermistmes. Elf on the shelf. I spie Santa.
Hayleigh M.
Dear Santa,
How do you fit down houses with no chiminys? I have been very very very good. I want a tablet. A phone. A facke cat. A holl lot of skittles.
McKayla L.
Dear Santa,
Do you eat Cookia. i am sending a note to you. i want a tv, Pokemon cards, bible, bag.
Love, Elijah T.
Dear Santa,
1. Sunta how do you go down chimey how do you eat cookies
2. Sunta i ben good and my brother
3. i will have scooter and a troll blanket and a teddy bear and a doll house
Maylin D.
Dear Santa,
Do you bring elfs with you? I,ve been a good girl this year. I was wondering if I can get some makeup. Some supliys for my Jurniy girls doll, and lots of barbies.
Love Brianna T.
I love you Santa
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTERS TO SANTA: Northwood Elementary — Megan Mundle’s class