Living Nativity, random acts of kindness among North Okaloosa events

Janice Crose

It looks like Christmas around Crestview. Many decorations are up and look beautiful. Jim, my husband, and I enjoy driving around looking at the beautiful lights and decorations on homes and businesses. Some of our residents are so imaginative.

Is your Christmas shopping finished and your gifts wrapped? I still need to wrap and mail packages so they will be on time. Have you begun writing and sending your Christmas cards? I have sent a few cards, but have

Have you begun writing and sending your Christmas cards? I have sent a few cards, but have many more to send. This is our way of staying in touch with our many friends all over the country. My Mother is busy sewing wonderful gifts for the family, she is so creative, but the treasures she creates are very time-consuming. Jim and I are trying not to be too materialistic this year, many people in our city and county could use a helping hand with food, utility bills and other provisions. Check with your church to see what you can do to help a local family in need.

My Mother is busy sewing wonderful gifts for the family; she is so creative, but the treasures she creates are very time-consuming. Jim and I are trying not to be too materialistic this year, many people in our city and county could use a helping hand with food, utility bills and other provisions. Check with your church to see what you can do to help a local family in need.

Jim and I are trying not to be too materialistic this year. Many people in our city and county could use a helping hand with food, utility bills and other provisions. Check with your church to see what you can do to help a local family in need.

There are several Christmas events being held this weekend hosted by local churches. Saturday evening, Dec. 10, from 5:30-8 p.m., Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church, located at 8115 4th St., will host their annual "Living Nativity." There will be live animals and actors to tell the traditional Christmas story. This is always a fun and interactive experience for all ages. Light refreshments will be served after the tours.

On Sunday, Dec. 11, from 8:30-10:30 a.m., First United Methodist Church, located at 599 8th St., will host their first annual "Random Acts of Christmas Kindness" in the Crossroads Center. There will be suggestions for you and your family, or if you have a particular idea in mind, bring the supplies you will need. Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be served. If you have questions, please call April Hight at 682-2018 ext. 102. The Christmas Cantata will be presented across the street at 11 a.m.

Check out the calendar in the Crestview News Bulletin for further Christmas activities. There are plenty of enjoyable events — be sure that you participate in some of them.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Living Nativity, random acts of kindness among North Okaloosa events