Thanking Crestview's Good Samaritan at Garden Park

(Special to the News Bulletin)

Dear editor,

Last Friday, Nov. 18, between 9:30 and 10 a.m. at the Garden Park, I had my faith in humanity restored.

I and four other ladies from the Dogwood Garden Club were working in the flower bed at the south end of the park, and I was down on my hands and knees pulling out dead grasses.

I got a cramp in my leg, so I told one lady, “I am going to have to get up.” Well, I tried — and couldn’t — so some of the ladies came over to help me, but I still couldn’t, and then I fell over into that Sago Palm and then I began to panic.

Then, all at once, I felt something at my waist and looked down: There were two gentle black hands. The next thing I knew, I was up, and by the time I turned around, he was gone.

I asked my friends what happened and they said he was in his car waiting to get onto 85, saw me and he jumped out of his car and came running over and asked if he could help, and he did.

Then, as quick as he came, left.

I felt so bad I didn’t even get to thank him, but somewhere in Crestview is a very nice young black man that truly cares for people.

I just really wanted to tell people about the good people.

All we ever hear is all about the bad people. So, to that very nice young man, I truly thank you.

May God bless you always.



This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Thanking Crestview's Good Samaritan at Garden Park