Readers weigh in on Trump's election

We asked Crestview News Bulletin readers how they feel about Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States. Here are some of their comments:

Optimism. We now have a president, House and Senate to get things accomplished and should move along quicker. At least for two years — so I hope they don't waste one day doing it!

Sue Ring

Indifferent. Had to deal with all the Hillary supporters’ hate for not supporting her and now I get to deal with the hate for her not winning. Different day, same — how does that saying go? "You made your bed, now lay in it?"

Brandi Fickling

Joy! It's time for a change. The people are tired of the way this country has been led for the past eight years! Also glad the election is over and we can move on!

Marianne Ponder Vicari

Disgusted. I understand that a change was wanted and needed. But Trump is not the person to do it. All Trump has been about is Trump. He is truly terrifying. I do not believe he can run this country intelligently or admirably.

Julie Wilczewski Jaworski

Disappointment. Disappointment that everything he has stood for all this time — the hate, bigotry, racism, sexism, heinous vulgarity, etc. — is agreed with by so much of America. It's not because he's a Republican. For one, because he's really not. But because of all the horrible things that he has stood for. And the rest of the world will judge us by that. They are sad for us. Sad we have no respectable person that will be taking over in January. Sad that we have tarnished the picture of what America has stood for. Just sad…

Melissa Willcut Woollums

Renewed hope for our great country! Just keep praying that we all come together to make America great again! God bless the USA and, God, please bless Trump!

Pam McCallum Pursley

Making sure I'm a positive role model for those that need positivity! No matter the outcome, I can trust in God.

Sarah Hawkins

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Readers weigh in on Trump's election