North Okaloosa Community Briefs

Stephen Sinsel is Okaloosa 911 Telecommunicator of the Year. [OKALOOSA PUBLIC INFORMATINO OFFICE | SPECIAL TO THE NEWS BULLETIN]

CRESTVIEW — Here are some of the latest North Okaloosa events from Northwest Florida organizations.

Ribbon cutting at Veterans Affairs Clinic near Eglin

 Expansion of the Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic near Eglin Air Force Base will be completed soon. A ribbon cutting ceremony is 1 p.m. April 26 at the facility, 100 Veterans Way, Eglin Blvd. It will be approximately 34,000 square feet in size, primarily adding more space for the clinic’s primary care and behavioral health services for veterans.

County Public Safety department chooses 911 Telecommunicator of the Year

The Okaloosa County Department of Public Safety 911 Telecommunications team selected Stephen Sinsel as its Telecommunicator of the Year.

Sinsel's peers nominated him for the award.

He joined the 911 Telecommunications team in 2015, "and has since displayed knowledge, skills and abilities the citizens of Okaloosa County can count on in a crisis. Stephen leads his shift and provides critical training to new team members. This training brings them up to speed so they can help others in their time of need," a media release stated.

The team credited Stinsel with continuing to hone his own skills, and he "never shies away from asking questions in order to improve his own abilities. He is not above asking someone younger than him for their input and expertise when he believes their insight could benefit him. He molds the traits of a leader and a lifelong learner together in order to help those in need and help his colleagues perform at their best," the release stated.

Florida Leadership Academy lists graduates

The Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute released the names of 40 first-line supervisors who graduated April 13 from the Florida Leadership Academy. Graduates serve in leadership roles at 31 criminal justice agencies throughout the state.

Students met for four week-long sessions at the Florida Sheriff’s Association in Tallahassee. They learned skills necessary to support the needs of their agencies and their communities as they prepare for future challenges. They also learned to exemplify the character and integrity expected of criminal justice professionals and to examine the various components necessary to being an efficient leader.

Graduates include:

•Cordis Blackwood, Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office.

•Joel Murphey, Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: North Okaloosa Community Briefs