HUBBUB: Election comments; restaurant closure

CRESTVIEW — Numerous and Facebook readers shared their thoughts on the presidential candidates and Golden Buffet’s latest closure after failing health inspections.

Here are some of their comments.


Donald Trump — He said Hillary should be in jail for her handling of top-secret materials. She has been in government (for) 30 years and hasn't stopped our country from sinking deeper into debt; no jobs for our people; and her giving favors to people who gave to The Clinton Foundation — even for people /countries who discriminate against women — is terrible. Let's not forget she is OK with aborting almost full-term pregnancies.

Deanne Vaughn


It's funny; one of the accusers up to a few years ago loved (Donald Trump) and requested her job back with him after he helped her get into law school!

She praised him in her book on how great of a person and boss he was!

He put her in charge of building a skyscraper and she was the first woman to be in charge of doing so!

So now he did not have a position for her and she has decided to accuse him of sexually assaulting her!

You can't say this is not … a false accusation!

Rob Jackson Nicole Walters


I thought they just reopened after renovations?! Good thing I wasn't planning on going back ever! Tear it down, clear the land and make way for a worthwhile business, please!

Michelle Koralewski


After being shut down multiple times, and several health violations, how are the owners allowed to continue to operate a food business in Florida?

Allie Rodela Portán


It shuts down, it reopens, it shuts back down, it reopens. It stays in business because the cheap people of Crestview like to eat $50 worth of food for $10 and then tip (little)!

Michelle Snavely

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Election comments; restaurant closure