Okaloosa Supervisor of Elections registers teen voters

Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections Paul Lux, left, and his staff members registered more than 900 students during September's 'Vote in Honor of a Vet' program. (Special to the News Bulletin)

CRESTVIEW — Nearly 900 Okaloosa County high school students are registered voters.

The Okaloosa County Supervisor of Elections, Paul Lux, and his staff recently visited county schools to register eligible voters and pre-register those who have not yet reached eligible voting age.

In September the staff members presented their “Vote in Honor of a Vet” program and registered or pre-registered students.

An elections office media release stated, Lux "was well-received and attendance for this fall’s 'Vote in Honor of a Vet' program was at an all-time high. (It) is presented twice a year in area schools to juniors and seniors to prepare them for their first time voting and educate them on the importance of being an active voter," in honor of the men and women who have fought to preserve Americans’ right to vote and live in a free democracy.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Okaloosa Supervisor of Elections registers teen voters