Miss Florida Teen USA Pageant to feature Crestview teen

Crestview High School student Jodie Meeks will compete in the Miss Florida Teen USA Pageant Oct. 2 at the Parker Playhouse in Fort Lauderdale. See HYPERLINK "http://www.missfloridausa.com" www.missfloridausa.com to learn more about the event. (Special to the News Bulletin)

CRESTVIEW — A Crestview High School student will represent the Panhandle during the Miss Florida Teen USA Pageant.

Out of more than 1,000 teenagers, Jodie Meeks is one of 46 chosen to compete in the state-level pageant.

“I am absolutely honored to be going to the state championship,” she stated in a media release. “This is more than just walking around (the) stage in a fancy dress and being on TV. This opportunity has opened the doors for me to promote female empowerment and confidence in young women.

"From leading groups, being involved in sports, promoting school spirit, and other numerous activities, I have found the greatest joy is being involved in anything where you can positively impact others,” she said. “This past year, I had the opportunity to be a volunteer cheer coach in the Upward Basketball Program. What I saw (were) kids from all walks of life and all races working together and learning from the ministry of Christ to play a sport to reach a common goal directly impacting to let them know that someone cares.

"It has changed how I see what we can do. We can enjoy, we can lead, and we can be an example. But … can we make a difference in someone’s life? That’s what I choose to do!”

Meeks, who was named Miss CHS in April, has a 4.4 grade point average.

She will compete with 53 Florida teenagers in active wear, evening gown and interview segments for the Miss Florida Teen USA title Oct. 2 at the Parker Playhouse in Fort Lauderdale. The winner will represent Florida in the Miss Teen USA Pageant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Miss Florida Teen USA Pageant to feature Crestview teen