Some of the benefits of fall weather

Fall is a lovely time of year, one that brings us cooler weather, beautiful shades of orange, yellow and burgundy flowers, and leaves that turn delightful colors.

Fall also brings pollens that cause some of us allergies. Unfortunately, both Jasmine and Shane, my collies, and I suffer from allergies. My poor collies — it is quite difficult to explain to them why they are itchy and "sneezily." (Yes, sneezily, a word I made up by combining sneeze and easily.)

I am allergic, not only to plants, flowers and stinging insects but also fragrance — which makes life quite interesting. Please be kind to allergy sufferers and refrain from wearing fragrances in tight spaces, such as the office, school, meetings or church, as you may unknowingly set off an allergic reaction. Some allergy sufferers get asthma, as well as migraines. Jim and I are blessed that we now live in Crestview, where the pollen is more seasonal than other places we have resided.

The collies are anxiously awaiting cooler weather so they can play outdoors. They love to frolic in the backyard, chase squirrels and lie under the banana tree, but they do not like hot weather. I believe I have totally spoiled them.

I love wreaths and Disney, so I am going to make an easy fall grapevine wreath featuring Mickey Mouse. To make this project yourself, you will need:

•Two 4- or 6-inch grapevine circles

•One 8- or 10-inch grapevine wreath

•Glue gun — hot or cool

•3 yards of fall-colored ribbon for a bow

•Assorted flowers and decorations

Glue the two smaller circles to the larger circle to make the Mickey Mouse head, then add your desired decorations and flowers. Finish with a colorful bow, and if you want, you can attach some lightweight floral wire so that you can hang your wreath more easily.

This project should only take about 45 minutes to an hour. It would be a great project to do with your children or grandchildren.

Be creative and make any type of fall wreath you desire.

Janice Lynn Crose, a former accountant, lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Some of the benefits of fall weather