EXTENSION CONNECTION: Accepting Peanut Butter Challenge donations
Author: archive
Free trunk-or-treating, Family Movie Night scheduled in Crestview
A Disney Halloween favorite is going to be part of the next Movie Night in Crestview, along with trunk-or-treating, and a decorating contest.
Ballou named September 2021 Veteran of the Month
Ballou named September 2021 Veteran of the Month
Discover Crestview during City Government Week
An club and organization showcase, official recognition and more are scheduled as part of City Government Week
Noirmoutrin flea market nets more than $2,500 for Crestview visit
Noirmoutrin flea market nets more than $2,500 for Crestview visit
FROM THE PULPIT: Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger
Bible encourages us to be quick to listen, slow to anger and speaking
'I hold myself to how it’s supposed to be done'
Blacksmith Josh Lewandowski is making a name for himself among the different farms of Northwest Florida.
CHECK IT OUT: Crestview Library now has self-checkout station
CHECK IT OUT: Crestview library now has self-checkout station
EXTENSION CONNECTION: New youth drones program begins in October
HAPPENINGS: Being kind and praying for others
HAPPENINGS: Being kind and praying for others