HAPPENINGS: Here are some more jobs that don't require a degree
Author: archive
EXTENSION CONNECTION: Learn how to save storm-damaged trees
UF/IFAS Extension Agent Larry Williams shares ways to save some storm-damaged trees.
Women of Valor honor first responders and essential workers
The 12 annual Women of Valor Conference in Crestview was held Sept. 19. The group honored first responders and essential workers.
One-lane closure scheduled on P J Adams in Crestview
One-lane closure scheduled on P J Adams to work on watermains
EXTENSION CONNECTION: 4 ways to prevent food spoilage after a power outage
There are four steps to preventing food spoilage after a hurricane.
HAPPENINGS: Potential careers for high school grads and others
There are some careers that don't require college degrees, including mechanics and plumbing.
FROM THE PULPIT: Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly, Part 2
We need to look at a need and fill it, not at a person and try to determine if they are worthy enough of our involvement.
From the Pulpit: Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly, Part 3
Yes, each of us is showered by God’s blessings. But this is reason for awe, not boasting.
FROM THE PULPIT: Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly, Part 1
Seeking justice is an act of love. It is striving to bring to an end an unfairness or an inequality of one person or group of persons over another.
FROM THE PULPIT: Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly, Part 3
Yes, each of us is showered by God’s blessings. But this is reason for awe, not boasting.