First grade
Bella Baker, Romarys Basil, Alexis Bermudez, Payton Blumer, Hannah Christmas, Haleigh Curry, Ciamaya Daluz, Hannah Dang, Andrew Dauphin, Yliana Dean, Aliyah Dennis, Jadyn Dittenber,…
Just another WordPress site
First grade
Bella Baker, Romarys Basil, Alexis Bermudez, Payton Blumer, Hannah Christmas, Haleigh Curry, Ciamaya Daluz, Hannah Dang, Andrew Dauphin, Yliana Dean, Aliyah Dennis, Jadyn Dittenber,…
First grade
Ava Adams, Billy Ates, Faith Beadle, Miranda Bernhard, William Boone, Layne Brewer, Brooke Brunson, Allie Cadenhead, Krista Caro, Chris Davis, Kadyn Elder, Roxy Parker Fountain, Bella…
Fourth-grade teacher Elizabeth Richards is Antioch Elementary School's Teacher of the Year.
First grade
Summer Anderson; Brodie Arnett; Ben Bears; Gracie Bridges; Isabella Cadenhead; Skylar Calhoun; Jenna Campbell; Ethan Chesser; Angelina Collier; Alexis Collins; Riley Cooper; Ava Crist…
Prospective spring-term Northwest Florida State College students can attend three sessions to learn about the admissions process, financial aid, career assessments and programs of study.
CRESTVIEW — Olivia Rodriguez's determination to nip her peers' experimentation with tobacco in the bud comes from a lifelong effort to get family members to kick the habit. For her efforts, she has b…
CRESTVIEW — A number of Shoal River Middle School students gather after school to discuss anime, a Japanese art form that spans film, television and comic book genres, among others.
CRESTVIEW — Northwest Florida’s First Lego League teams have gained insight on robotics programming techniques and strategies following open practice Oct. 26 at Bob Sikes Elementary School.
CRESTVIEW — Antioch Elementary School Aviators recently took a step back to aviation's earliest days as third-graders in Laura Pink's science class experimented with hot air balloons.
CRESTVIEW — While Northwood Elementary School implements the first year of its Arts and Science Academy, students are also learning about visual arts with a new after-school club.