2018 — a look in the mirror

How did 2017 go for you? Was it a good year or a not so good year? Regardless of what happened, you can't change 2017. The year is behind us and 2018 is ahead of us.
What can you do to make 2018 a …

A change of plans

Winter is probably the easiest time of year to kill the plant you brought in from the cold.
And the fastest way is by overwatering.
Grueling growing conditions like lower light levels, dry air, s…

North Okaloosa Community Briefs

CRESTVIEW — Here are upcoming events in North Okaloosa County and surrounding areas:
Library sets next open-mic poetry night
CRESTVIEW — The Crestview Public Library’s next monthly open-mic n…

Act4Mystery sets two performances

CRESTVIEW — Act4Mystery (formerly Act4Murder) in January will perform two nights of Northwest Florida dinner theatre featuring comedy, mystery and murder.

The local professional comedy troupe, whi…

A family business

CRESTVIEW — Women looking for clothing and business wear have a new place in Crestview to shop for them.

The Meraki Lady, located at 265 Main St., added women's clothing to its offerings in Decemb…