Community organizations that hold public events, festivals and programs are invited to attend a free calendar and marketing workshop offered by the Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce Arts and Culture…
Category: news
Okaloosa schools office to get new phone system
The phone system at the Okaloosa County School District’s main office is getting replaced this month after unexpectedly breaking down.
Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game at the Crestview library
The first Saturday in November, we will celebrate International Games Day @ Your Library, an initiative of the American Library Association to reconnect communities through their libraries. Activitie…
Agony, ecstacy of elementary school appears in caricatures
Former News Bulletin editor and late Walker Elementary School teacher and artist Bob Overturf captured the triumphs and tragedies of being an elementary school student in a series of delightful water…
Hall wants to help Laurel Hill grow
Clifton Hall, 65, is the City Council’s newest member, appointed Oct. 2 to a seat that was vacant more than 18 months. The job is new to him, but he has eyed business growth as one area the city shou…
Crestview couple united in marriage
Mary Katherine Bell and Shannon Michael Strand of Crestview were married Sept. 15, 2012, in Laurel Hill.
Okaloosa offers tax bills by email
The Okaloosa County Tax Collector’s Office is offering free tax bill delivery via email to area residents at Sign up online before Nov. 1, when the bills will be mailed to area r…
Nominations open for Military Child of the Year
SAN ANTONIO — Operation Homefront, the national nonprofit dedicated to providing emergency financial and other assistance to military families, is accepting nominations for the Military Child of the …
Crestview City Council offers no formal position on Amendment 4 (UPDATED)
Despite a request by the Florida League of Cities, the Crestview City Council took no action on a resolution opposing the amendment that had been placed on Monday evening's council meeting agenda.
Gaetz faces challenger for first time in 12 years
Don Gaetz has plenty of campaign money and a bunch of new constituents in redrawn state Senate District 1.