Dear editor,
I've been riding bus routes 11 and 12, and I read on Crestview News Bulletin Online that the whole service is going to be terminated next month.
Category: opinion
COMMENTARY: A resounding 'YES' for extra interchange
Today's editorial cartoon was inspired by our news report on the Florida Department of Transportation's consideration of adding an I-10 interchange in Crestview.
HUBBUB: Top comments, Jan. 15, 2014
Here are featured readers' comments from and our Facebook page. Hubbub publishes regularly in the News Bulletin's Wednesday editions.
EDITOR’S DESK: Resolve to be involved in your community
The New Year inspires people to study harder, diet and exercise, spend less and save more and avoid bad habits.
LETTER: When it comes to a city manager, 'no' means no
Crestview City Council member Robyn Helt wants a big change to occur in the Crestview city government.
GUEST COLUMN: Help hospice patients, their families in 2014
As you are thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, I encourage you to make one of those resolutions to become a Covenant Hospice volunteer.
FROM THE PULPIT: You're not a god; there's only one God
A pastor teaching an adult class at Sunday school selected a middle-aged couple to act out the Old Testament's burning bush scene. The husband was asked to supply the voice for God; his wife would re…
COMMENTARY: Newcomers, meet Crestview's "Welcoming Committee"
Today's editorial cartoon was inspired by our feature story on long-time locals' nicknames for North Okaloosa County landmarks
EDITOR’S DESK: Kudos to Bulldogs battling toxic text-speak
Here is a passage of some Monday-evening text messages:
FROM THE PULPIT: Failing allows us to grow stronger in our faith
We are now one week into the new year. How well have you done with your New Year's resolutions? So far, so good?