The Deepwater Horizon oil spill’s environmental damage, though tragic, was far less than feared during the many months of the event. The economic impacts were wider and longer than expected. In recog…
Tag: GH Content Migration
Walker Elementary students learn with Legos (VIDEO)
When most Walker Elementary school students headed home after school on Wednesday afternoon, 41 kids stayed on campus to learn more about mechanics.
EDITOR'S DESK: Forget breast cancer awareness; aim for expertise
Knowing someone with breast cancer — his or her diagnosis, concerns and the medical process, and everything in between — ensures you’ll have a firm grasp on the issue. Conversely, hearing sound bites…
Blue Jean Ball hospice fundraiser Saturday in Crestview
Tickets are on sale for Covenant Hospice’s signature event, the 6th Annual Blue Jean Ball, to be held Saturday at the Crestview Community Center.
Area blood drives announced
Local blood drives for OneBlood, Inc., servicing Northwest and South Florida, lower Alabama and Georgia, are listed below.
School districts scramble to find room for kindergartners
Another jump in the number of kindergartners in local schools has officials scrambling again to find space for them.
Hobo Festival needs last-minute volunteers and vendors
Saturday, after months of concern that it wouldn’t happen, the city of Laurel Hill will present its annual Hobo Festival.
Okaloosa schools office to get new phone system
The phone system at the Okaloosa County School District’s main office is getting replaced this month after unexpectedly breaking down.
Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game at the Crestview library
The first Saturday in November, we will celebrate International Games Day @ Your Library, an initiative of the American Library Association to reconnect communities through their libraries. Activitie…
Agony, ecstacy of elementary school appears in caricatures
Former News Bulletin editor and late Walker Elementary School teacher and artist Bob Overturf captured the triumphs and tragedies of being an elementary school student in a series of delightful water…